Family and Personal Taxes

The Christians for Community want to show real and effective support for the family unit by supporting the family with a parenting allowance to enable one parent to remain at home as the caregiver to any childern in the family.


  • C4C supports a cut in the top tax rate to in order to restore work incentives. As a starting point for determining the top tax rate the C4C believes that the long term aim should be a tax and benefits system where no Australian faces effective tax rates higher than about 30%.
  • C4C supports a return to the indexation of tax brackets to stop governments’ profiting from ‘bracket creep’.
  • C4C will introduce income splitting for household members related by blood or marriage.
  • C4C supports deductibility on interest accrued on owner occupied housing.
  • C4C believes that this tax deduction for owner occupied housing should be capped to ensure that the benefit remains with the low or medium income earner.
  • C4C continues to support retention of capital gain tax exemption on all owner-occupied housing.
  • C4C supports the payment of a home maker allowance for families with young children to prevent both parents having to join the workforce and leaving the care of children to third party carers in their absence.
  • C4C supports an enquiry into saving-exempt income tax schemes – to encourage savings.
  • C4C supports low to zero tax on contributions household needs and costs.
  • C4C opposes any plans to broaden the GST to cover the items which are currently exempt, such as fresh food.
  • C4C says any extention of the GST would be proof that there is absolutely no concern nor consideration to the long-term health effects of such radical measures would have on the low income earners.