Farming in Australia is varied and in some places very difficult and marginal. It is imperative that farming not degrade the land on which the farming is done. In the early days farmers used the European methods that relied upon considerable all year round rain fall and this is totally unsuitable to the Australian conditions. While there are some very rich areas of for farming there are other areas of extreme marginal farming capacity. Water is a very important resource to farmers as there are so often drought conditions in various places in Australia. As well many areas are subject to seasonal flooding, which at times can be extremely devistational to any infrustructure and life threatnening to both humans and animals alike.


  • Farmers need the capacity to clear land for farming purposes though having natural vegetation particularly trees can assist in water retention in the soil, as well as prevent soil erosion and so some natural vegetation is to be encouraged.

  • Some farms have been excessively cleared over the years and so as to encourage re-afforestation 150% tax deduction for cost of tree planting – conditions will apply.

  • Water resources will be shared by all and water saving methods will be encouraged by all. Huge storage of river water on a single farm will not be permitted if it affects other water users.
  • As far as possible farms will only be owned by Australians and Australian owned businesses.

  • Farm products sales will be protected from monopoly purchasing controls

  • Fire prevention is to be encouraged and this will include fire breaks and hazard reduction.

  • Highest standards of animal husbandry will be adhered to on all farms.