Media, including television, films and the internet, play an increasingly influential role in the formation of public opinion and taste.  Children, including teenagers, are especially vulnerable to media influence.  Aggressive and pornographic media is now making inroads into mainstream advertising and merchandising.
Society has a moral duty to limit what can be conveyed by the media in order to protect children and the whole community from what is harmful, especially violent and pornographic content.
Pornography demeans women and corrupts men.  It contributes to the dissolution of families and devastates the lives of children who are exposed to it.  There is no place for pornography in any medium.  This is especially the case with hardcore pornography C4C believes that the X-rated classification for films should be abolished and Commonwealth legislation introduced to prohibit the production and sale of these films in the ACT and the Northern Territory.
C4C affirms that mandatory filtering at Internet service provider level should be introduced to exclude all material which would be classified X or refused classification.  The scheme should also provide a family friendly internet service with no material that would be rated MA15+ or higher.
C4C supports increased police resources to Internet monitoring in order to detect child sex offenders.
C4C considers that the classification scheme for films and computer games should be revised to ensure that there is a G classification which parents can completely rely on as indicating that the material is suitable for children of all ages
C4C believes that the R18+ classification should exclude any depiction of actual sex or any implied depictions of sex with children.  The highest classification for computer games should remain as MA15+.
C4C affirms that public broadcasters have an obligation to ensure balanced reporting on all issues and steps to enforce this requirement should be taken.
All holders of television and radio licenses enjoy a privilege which carries responsibilities.
As industry self-regulation is not working, C4C supports the introduction of a new scheme with greater enforcement powers.
Reality television is just one genre where there has been flagrant abuse.
C4C believes that the standards for television and radio content should be rigorously enforced with significant penalties for breaches, including loss of license, imposed by the appropriate authority.
C4C affirms also that standards for television and radio should take account of the potential that exists to influence children, and therefore reflect and support the values of Australian families.
C4C considers that the banning of tobacco advertising is an illustration of the recognized impact of TV and radio content on children’s values, beliefs and behaviour.

Note: The recent hacking of internet data needs a strong response and it is necessary that whatever tools are needed to detect the hackers and to prosecute them must be serious considered and approved for our police forces to have made available to them.