Democracy or Sciencetocracy/Experttocracy
Democracy or Sciencetocracy/experttocracy
Over the past several years there is a tendency of the Democratically elected governments around the world listening to the advice and acting on that advice of either scientific or expert advisors and not questioning this advice nor asking the people in the democracy as to whether that advice should be trusted without question. The interesting thing an expert on any subject knows a huge amount of detail on a small part of the whole subject and often misses the essential information of the whole subject that is intimately connected the small part of the whole.
So what are the issues:
- Gender Disphoria – While we understand that a person may have strong feelings of being confused by their sexual orientation there is absolutely no definative and independently verifiable science evidence to support any claim that there is a there is a capacity for a person to personally determine their gender; since the gender of a person is determined by the DNA structure of every cell in the person’s body. A feeling or a belief that a person is a different gender to their DNA determined gender, is just that a feeling or a belief and not ever a scientific fact; yet expert activists claim that their advice on the subject is correct and as such medical processes are enabled to block hormones and to perform radical sex change surgery that will render a person incapable of reproduction and while it may change the external appearance of the person the DNA will continue to show no change in the gender of the person. Scientific fact is that every person is either male or female, with an extremely rare possiblity of a person displaying both genders, however, as yet there is no DNA examination results to determine the DNA gender determined gender.
- Covid19 – While we understand that a potenially dangerous respiratory infection was seemingly taking the world by storm and expert advisors were again determining the policies of government without listening to the voice of the people. Due to poor historical decisions of governments that had the not expanded the hospital beds available and staffed as the populations increased any potential increase in hospital admissions would have a serious adverse-effect on the emergency departments at all hospitals. With this problem in mind the experts rolled out various plans that were imposed upon the populations around the world. These strong impositions would harm the economies and create panic like situations in many communities, and many would face extreme financial hardship. The imposition of these hard circumstance created strong resistance and the emergence of many conspiracy theories and very strong mis-trust in governments from that time onwards.
- Climate Emergency – There has been many predictions for over half a century that there is going to be an ‘end of the world as we know it’ climate event, some say it will be a massive cooling and still others say there will be a massive heating, while others have taken a combination path being developed into Climate Emergency. If we were to only examine a short history of our planet, we would find it easy to support one of the three positions, yet we must always go further than that and examine the details and to discover, if we can, the actual influences of the climate on our planet. If we approach the study as a person concerned about pollution and consumption of raw materials we can easily be swayed to see the pollution has an extreme direct influence on the climate of our planet. An objective scientific based examination and very careful discounting of political and other biases held would clearly show that while the current cycle of weather is within the “normal extremes” of the climate that can be expected we are not experiencing unprecedented extremes as so often claimed.
Experts and Scientist do have a place:
Any successful society must listen to the experts in any field of study as they have a strong contribution to the intellectual advise necessary for good government. As well the scientists must also be consulted when matters are being discussed so that good and strong evidence is not overlooked as a government seeks to lead its people. During difficult times a government must never forget the voice of the people, nor disregard their voice. In any democratic society the voice of the people must be foremost in the mind of the government. The Government must trust the people with the truth and the whole truth, so as to have all the facts understood before the people’s democratic voice is fully and completely heard. It is the essential aim of the Christians for Community to carefully discover the best information on each subject and disseminate that to the population so that a balanced and democratic voice can be heard and listened to before final actions are made. We strongly oppose the experts and the Scientists over-ruling the democratic voice of the people.